Our highlight of the show for PAX East 2018 was the Messenger, a love letter to the old NES Ninja Gaiden action games. This year, we found a new gem in that same style called Cyber Shadow. A Yacht Club Games produced product, developed by the one man studio, Mechanical Head Studios, Aarne Hunziker put together a quite polished game that we got to demo.
Where both these games share similiarities in art style and general gameplay mechanics, Cyber Shadow sets itself apart by offering both temporary and permanent upgrades as you progress through the games varied stages. Controls felt tight and the responsive, a critical component in actions games like these.
The pixel graphics popped with visual flair. In a style not unlike Shovel Knight, the pixels are nice and chunky and the limited color palette gives way to interesting shades and combinations of colors. NES era Mega Man stages came to mind. The soundtrack, suitably fitting with a rockin’ electronic and riff heavy sound. Definitely got me energized and excited to make through the gauntlet of traps, pitfalls and aggressive enemies.
Cyber Shadow has no official launch date as of yet but it is slated to come out on Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC by way of the Steam Store. We are super excited to see how this game comes along and can’t wait till it gets released. Check out the trailer below.